NS-1013 - Direct - Acacio Dianin

Quality coffees worldwide, EXW, FOB, CIF, DAT. Quality coffees worldwide:


  • Country


  • Region

    Cerrado Mineiro

  • Producer

    Acácio José Dianin

  • Farm

    Fazenda Olhos d'Água

Coffee Specifications

  • Variety


  • Process

    Nucoffee Artisans - Induced Fermented

  • Harvest


  • Tasting notes

    Rich chocolate and caramel notes, with a touch of honey and hints of yellow fruits, finishing with a smooth and well-rounded aftertaste.

  • Certifications


  • Packaging

    Bag 60 Kg

  • Warehouse Location


  • Container Number


About the Grower

About Grower

Acácio José Dianin

The Dianin family follows a family tradition from father to son for more than 70 years. In the 1980s they migrated from Paraná to Minas Gerais in search of better conditions for coffee production and they found in Cerrado Mineiro the ideal place, due to the appropriate climate and low risk of frost, allowing a growth in coffee production, just as happened with other families. Acácio Dianin together with two other partners and friends, Laerte and César, were united by a common love, coffee. Then they decided to invest in coffee plantations. For the partners, coffee farming is a family tradition, but nonetheless remains an extremely professional and profitable business.




For the planning of cultural dealings, Acácio has trained technicians who based on plots productivity and soil analysis results develop a program of cultural practices soon after harvest. Cultural dealings are defined according to the real need of each plot. Following the schedule, liming and fertilization are performed correcting the pH of the soil and replenishing the necessary nutrients, being the fertilization carried out in two ways, the haul and by fertirrigation. The plots are 100% irrigated, a system that assists in the availability of water for the plants.



The harvest starts at the ideal maturation point of the coffee, which is verified through a visual evaluation and samplings carried out on the plots, verifying the percentage of ripe fruits and green fruits. The harvesting process usually takes place between June and August, being carried out both mechanically and manually selectively. The mechanized harvest is carried out through harvesters that are adjusted to harvest the more mature fruits. The selective manual harvesting is carried out in plots with identified quality potential.



The Cerrado Mineiro region, located in northwest of Minas Gerais State is a world-recognized, high-quality coffee producing origin and became the first Protected Geographical Indication in Brazil in 2005, with full Designation of Origin in 2013.

A strong characteristic of this region is its well-defined seasons - a hot, wet summer followed by a pleasantly dry winter. The dry climate during harvest eliminates potential problems with humidity during the drying process.

Minas Gerais is Brazil’s principal agricultural state, and the Cerrado is home to many of the country’s celebrated coffee estates, with expertise in planting, harvesting, drying, and sorting. We love Cerrado coffees for their big body, rich chocolate notes, and velvety texture when pulled as espresso.

Today, the area’s 4,500 farmers produce a combined average of 6 million bags per harvest, with an average of 35 bags per hectare. To reach these production levels, producers had to first adapt to the region’s conditions. Coffee farmers first arrived in Cerrado in the 1970’s, after being pushed out of the state of Parana by frost and out of the state of São Paulo by nematodes.

They found the soil in Cerrado to be very acidic, which they rectified with the application of calcium to create the healthy soils they enjoy today. Cerrado coffee farms are cultivated in areas with elevations varying between 800 and 1,300 meters above sea level and are known for consistently producing high quality coffees with a repeatable profile. Independent of farm size, the spirit of professionalism is present throughout Cerrado’s coffee producers.

Entrepreneurialism is part of farmers’ DNA, and many producers are second or third generation growers who also hold degrees in agronomic engineering, business management, and administration. While each family narrative is different, Cerrado is characterized by an enterprising attitude.




Preservation of the environment is essential for Acácio. Thus in his properties are preserved areas of native forest as well as fauna and flora, the springs are conserved. The rational use of the water for irrigation and a reuse of the water used in the structures is also done. In the social aspect, Acácio supports the participation of environmental education projects in the community schools. Employees have adequate working conditions and they receive a bonus as an incentive for the service provided.



The coffee industry is in the Dianin family for generations as the passion for the activity. Knowing the farms and each coffee farm are fundamental for the production of a product of excellence, besides helping in the improvement of the processes.

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