NS-1035- Luis Claudio Barbosa - Minas Sul Contest

Quality coffees worldwide, EXW, FOB, CIF, DAT. Quality coffees worldwide:


  • Country


  • Region

    Sul de Minas

  • Producer

    Luis Claudio Barbosa

  • Farm

    Fazenda Cerrado

Coffee Specifications

  • Variety


  • Process

    Nucoffee Artisans - Induced Fermented

  • Harvest


  • Tasting notes

    Strawberry, blackberry, wine, papaya, citrus, orange flower, honeycomb.

  • Certifications


  • Packaging

    Bag 60 Kg

  • Warehouse Location


  • Container Number


About the Grower

About Grower

Luis Claudio Barbosa

The Cerrado Farm is located between the municipalities of Três Corações and Cambuquira, in southern Minas Gerais, at an altitude of 1,100 meters and close to sources where some of the best mineral waters on the planet spring. Our coffee plantation area spans 60 hectares and our Bengal lychee orchard has 800 fruit trees. Among the coffee varieties grown are Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Acaiá, and Bourbon Amarelo. Our average annual coffee production is 2,000 60kg sacks of 100% arabica coffee, with specialty coffee scores ranging from 82 to 88 points. The average lychee production is 40 tons per year.




All coffee processing (washing, pulping, drying on patios and static dryers, cleaning, and packaging in bags) is done on the property, from where they are sent to customers all around the world. The farm has a legal reserve area of approximately 20 hectares, where various species of flora and fauna from the Atlantic Forest inhabit, such as hares, field deer, agoutis, toucans, foxes, seriema birds, caracara hawks, maned wolves, as well as a multitude of tree species such as jacaranda, jatobá, candeia, maçaranduba, ipê, and jequitibá. In addition to several protected water sources in total harmony with the productive environment. Around 50% of the total coffee area is irrigated by drip irrigation.



Southern Minas Gerais is one of Brazil’s most productive coffee producing areas. This region has grown Arabica coffee since the 1850s and is characterized by rolling hills, a mild climate averaging 23° C, and high elevations.

While some of the largest coffee producing properties in Brazil are located in Sul de Minas, more than half of the region’s producers are small to medium-sized farms. Sul de Minas accounts for, on average, 30% of Brazil’s coffee production.

The mountainous terrain, reaching up to 1400 meters above sea level, is ideally suited for growing coffee and Sul de Minas has increased production quality through investments in infrastructure and sustainability measures. The most commonly cultivated varieties are Yellow Catuai and Mundo Novo, with some farms also growing Icatu, Obatã and Red Catuai.

Most of the coffee produced is processed as Natural and the final cup profiles are full bodied, with low acidity and fruity aromas.




The Cerrado Farm's mission is to produce the highest quality coffee and lychee possible, providing financial returns to its owners while ensuring fair compensation for its employees, and respecting the environment, suppliers, and customers.

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